Get Downtown
Talent Show
Saturday, October 5th at 2pm on the Unico Bank Main Stage
Rules for Entry:
- Must be a resident of Greene County, if under 18 years of age, application must be signed by legal guardian.
- Any age participants are welcome.
- All participants in an act must turn in an application form. If part of a group, please turn in all applications together at the same time.
- No more than 8 participants allowed in one act.
- Talent may include music, skits, comedy, magic, martial arts, juggling, no lip-syncing allowed.
- All acts must be family friendly, no profanity, nudity or violence allowed. Costumes must be tasteful and appropriate, this is a family friendly community event.
- Acts are limited to no more than 5 minutes, a good time would be a 3 minute act.
- Participants must bring all props. Sound will be only equipment provided. Music tracts must be turned into the talent show committee on a CD at their dress rehearsal scheduled time. It is the participant's responsibility to get the CD back at the end of their performance on Saturday.
- All acts must attend dress rehearsal on Thursday, October 3rd. Times will be scheduled at a later date, but will run from 6 pm to 8 pm. Talent show committee reserves the right to disqualify any participants or acts at any time. There will be NO dressing rooms available for dress rehearsal or the day of the talent show competition.
- There will be prizes given for 1st, 2nd, & 3rd Places.